Good quality and reliable tarps are among the most important purchases you can make for your trailer. The best flatbed tarps are a very versatile piece of equipment that can be used for a number of different purposes. The most common use for a tarp, however, is to cover your load as you drive down the highway.
The best flatbed tarps will protect the load in transit from extreme weather conditions and will thus greatly enhance the quality of service you provide your customers.
If you want to purchase the best flatbed tarps, please consider the following factors.
1. Size
The size of the tarp you choose should be based on how much cargo you’re hauling, the type of load you’re carrying, and also the size of your trailer. If you’re only transporting small items, choose a relatively small tarp. If you’re hauling a very large load, the tarp should be large enough to cover it completely.
2. Quality
Flexibility, durability, and water resistance are extremely important features to consider when shopping for a flatbed tarp. You want to make sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck. There are generally 2 types of flatbed tarp materials. There is a heavy duty vinyl that is 100% waterproof that will best protect your cargo. There is also a fabric that is both lightweight and tear-resistant, as well as water-resistant.
Depending on your type of cargo, you can even get a tarp made with both materials, utilizing the heavy duty material for the top, and the lighter weight material for the sides. In order for the tarp to have a long lifespan, it needs to be made with top-quality materials.
3. Versatility
A well-made tarp allows for versatility in the way you use it; this allows you to quickly and effectively cover your load. A key feature that can make a tarp more versatile is having d-ring rows along all 4 sides, allowing you to use the tarp in 2 different directions.
4. Price
Price is always going to be a big factor, especially in today’s difficult economic climate. You want to get as much quality product for your money as possible.
Make sure you choose a tarp with all the features you need and one you can afford. You don’t want to pay extra for features you don’t need or won’t use.
5. Tarping Methods
When you’re investing into a tarp, you want to be thinking long-term; while manual tarps are fairly inexpensive, investing into a retractable system has so many benefits that it will pay for itself quickly with ease of use, safety, quality, protection, and durability.
When you’re ready to buy your next tarp, check out our amazing flatbed tarp system, which are one of the best flatbed tarps you can own. Just click here.
Throw Tarps
Types of throw tarps vary on the load you are carrying. Here are some of the common types to consider.
1. Lumber Tarp
These tarps are the most common among truckers and haulers and are some of the best flatbed tarps you can have. They are made of heavy-duty black vinyl coated PVC material that is 20 mm thick, weighs 18 oz per square yard, and has a cold crack rating of -40. In addition to their strength, they are waterproof as well as UV, rot, and oil resistant. They are easy to use and can be quickly deployed. They can be used to cover a variety of different loads, including logs, lumber, drywall and other building supplies.
If you’re in the market for a Lumber Tarp, checkout our selection by clicking here.
2. Steel Tarp
Like lumber tarps, steel tarps are also made from durable, heavy-duty black vinyl coated PVC material that is 20 mm thick, weighs 18 oz per square yard, and has a cold crack of -40. They are also waterproof as well as UV, rot, and oil resistant.
Steel tarps are typically designed to cover loads of steel during transit. They’re a cost-efficient way to meet trucking regulations for transporting stacked steel. While these tarps can also cover coils, there are specialty tarps exclusively designed to cover steel coils. We offer steel coil bags to cover your steel coils, offered here: 6′ x 6′ x 6′ Flared Heavy Duty Coil Bag – Verduyn Tarps.
Though they are made from the same material as lumber tarps, they are smaller; since steel is denser than lumber, steel loads are generally smaller, and so are steel tarps. Four foot drop tarps are the most common size for steel tarps, while eight foot drop tarps are the most common for lumber tarps.
See what we offer by clicking here.
3. Machine Tarp
These flatbed tarps are made from durable, heavy-duty black vinyl coated PVC material that is 20 mils thick, weighs 18 oz per square yard, and has a cold crack of -40. Machine tarps are also waterproof as well as UV, rot, and oil resistant.
Machine tarps are made of heavy-duty vinyl and have a minimum of two rows of D-rings on all 4 sides for securing the tarp, making them suitable for irregular-shaped machines. Machine tarps are one of the best flatbed tarps you can purchase.
Verduyn Tarps carries several machine tarp sizes as well as step deck tarps, see more about our machine tarps here.
4. Smoke Tarp
Also known as nose tarps, smoke tarps are for truckers hauling loads that could suffer damage if they come into contact with smoke or exhaust from the truck. These materials include PVC pipes. This tarp is 10′ by 10′ in measurement and has grommets along all four sides.
Smoke tarps are made from heavy-duty black vinyl coated PVC material that is 20 mils thick, weighs 18 oz per square yard, and has a cold crack rating of -40. They are waterproof as well as UV, rot, and oil resistant. While you may not need them regularly, keeping some in your truck is advisable as you never know when the need will arise.
Ultimately, it all depends on your needs and how much money you want to spend on a tarp. However, you should consider stocking a variety of tarps in your truck, as you never know what type of load you may come across.
Contact us for more information or to talk to our tarp experts so that you can get exactly what you need.